Nola Ernest, MD, PhD

Taking Your Voice Back

This talk will inspire you to discover the values that shape you, the message you are uniquely designed to deliver, and the power of your voice.

By the end of this talk, you should walk away with:

  1. Evidence of your value,
  2. An idea of the message you are uniquely capable of sharing, and
  3. Confidence in the power of your voice.

Developing Your Voice: A Graceful Self-Promotion Workshop


In this workshop, we will not only work together to discover your voice but also use that voice to craft a personal introduction and elevator speech.


After this workshop, you should be able to 1) understand the value of graceful self promotion; 2) craft a self-promoting introduction for any situation; and, 3) use your voice to prepare an elevator speech.

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Dr. Nola Ernest is a community pediatrician and practice owner of a large multi-specialty, multi-location pediatric practice in Southeast Alabama. A graduate of the University of Alabama – Birmingham School of Medicine and residency at the Monroe Carrell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University, she has dedicated her life to supporting the optimal physical, mental, and social health of as many children as possible. To this end, she has worked to expand her practice to bring subspecialty care to the children of Southeast Alabama, works with the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics to affect policy change at a state level, and trains other pediatrician leaders across the country to advocate for themselves, their peers, and the children they serve. Dr. Ernest hopes to inspire future pediatricians, as well as her own three boys, to use the power of their voice.